
Saturday, 31 March 2012

Passive Income

Ways of Creating a Passive Income

Food is up.

Fuel is up (if its not, it will be again soon).

Clothes are up.

Interest Rates are up (if they're not, they will be again).

Flights are up.

Property is up.

School fees are up.

Salaries are NOT.

The cost of living has sky-rocketed and you need more money to live comfortably.

You probably would like to have an extra few THOUSAND Dollars per month. But you

don't have the time or energy to earn that extra income.

Passive income is the answer.


Besides the rising cost of living, there are other reasons why you would like to earn an

extra income, and more specifically, passive income.

You would love to make a few hundred or thousand Dollars extra every month

to combat the rising cost of living, to spoil yourself or enjoy some extra luxuries,

like: weekends away, a few more romantic dinners, an overseas holiday, more

manicures and massages, or a few more "toys" like a quad bike, jet-ski or a

laptop computer.

You want to start creating a passive income stream while you are still holding

down a job. Your goal is to get to a point where your passive income can

replace the income from your full-time job. Then you quit your job and can start

pursuing your passion, without having to worry about finances.

If you are a working or single Mom, you would much rather be at home, raising

your children. But you have to work to pay all the bills.

Perhaps you are a stay-at-home Mom. You don't need to, or cannot find work,

but simply would love to earn some extra income every month to have more

financial independence.

You would love to quit your job and have financial freedom. Working in a job

may provide a regular income, but most times that income is not enough and

you lose your freedom. You have to do things you don't like to do: be at the

office at a certain time, take lunch and coffee breaks when you are told, and

work late on short notice. Often you are not appreciated, and taken advantage


You are frustrated because you have struggled financially. You are sick and

tired of "being sick and tired". You really want to change your financial future.

You are sick and tired of:

Living in debt;

Worrying about your financial future;

Not having money at the end of the month;

Not being able to spoil yourself whenever you want to;

Working for a boss;

Having to leave your children in day-care all day while you fight the traffic

and your job; and

Not enjoying overseas travel.

You want to develop a passive income to provide for your retirement, because

you realize that you have not saved enough to adequately cover your

retirement needs.

Lastly, you would like to earn some extra money, but don't have time to start a

business or the money to invest huge capital. You need something requiring

very little effort and low overheads.

Perhaps you can identify with one or more of the above situations. You are looking for

something that will take you to another financial level.

When you earn enough extra income from passive income streams, you still have

time for other important things.

Creating a passive income stream will give you more money and the time to do the

things you want to do. But above all, it will radically improve your lifestyle without

having to work more hours.

What is Passive Income

A passive income is an income that is not related to your efforts. In other words,

earning money without having to directly work for it. With passive income, the

, whether you work or not.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad", Robert Kiyosaki explains that if you want to be financially

secure you have to develop many passive income streams. As long as your income

is dependent on your efforts, you are always at risk. If your company retrenches you,

you have no more income.

To have a passive income, you have to
invest (time or money) in the

and then you will be paid for it for the rest of your life.

Of course, you have to invest in something that will provide a continuous income. I

have learned from hard experience what is worth investing in and what is not.

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