

here's how it works.

(We will not be including Bronze Members in this explanation because they join primarily to enjoy the products
and not to make money with our system.)

You start to make money by upgrading from

Trial to Silver Membership.

You receive Motivational Audios, e-books and e-Workbook valued at over


Then for

$10 per month you continue to enjoy our products and services.

Using all the tools we give you (see page 60), you invite friends and contacts to visit
your personalized

Be Motivated Today website.

When people visit your personalized

Be Motivated Today website, our automated

system goes to work and recruits your guest

so that they join, first as a Trial

Member then as a Silver Member.
We pay you a one-time

$0.25 Trial Member Bonus for each Trial Member that signs

up on your website.
We pay you a one-time

$5 Upgrade Bonus for each Silver Member that upgrades

from Trial Membership, and a monthly referral commission of $2 each. So on a $10
subscription you will earn a one-time $5 and $2 per month. As soon as you have 5
Silver Members, you earn a total of $10 in referral commissions, and your monthly
subscription is covered.
Any other Silver Members you invite, will give you money in your account every
month, with

no more effort.

Because membership is based on a

monthly subscription, you are paid every



Members that you invited, also invite people to visit their personalized

Be Motivated



Some guests upgrade to Silver Member (some to Bronze). You will benefit from
these new members too. They will be on the 2

nd generation of what we call your

Income Matrix


These 2

nd generation Silver Members will invite people to visit their personalized Be

Motivated Today

websites. You will also benefit from those who upgrade to Silver

Member on this 3

rd generation.

How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!

We have a strategy called the

Depth Builder Strategy. With this strategy you create

long-term financial security. You can move your first generation members to
anywhere in your Income Matrix. You can move your members underneath other
people in your Income Matrix to help them make money and create long-term
financial security for yourself.
You found a Silver Member, so your upline sponsor, someone above, or the company
will put a Silver Member under you.
Your members do the same for their new Silver Members.
Your Upline Leader you will help you. This will create a financially stable Income
Matrix that continues to provide you with a passive income every month and every

How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Our Commission Plan

Now you will see how our 3 wealth creation strategies help you create wealth.
I promised you no hype and unrealistic earnings. Our system is sure and
helps more people create financial freedom.
It is not a Get-rich-quick system.

It is a get-rich-steadily system.

If you are serious about investing time in something that will give you
financial freedom, our system will work for you. There are enough get-richquick

that don't work. They never do. The figures you see on

other websites where you find 5 and they find 5 and they find 5, and so on,
are totally unreallistic. IT DOES NOT WORK.
I'm not about to make you false promises and try to dazzle you with quick
If that disappoints you, I'm sorry.

We want to help people create wealth, not build unrealistic
An Example.
It starts small.

But it's not how you start, it's how you finish – that's important.

You successfully refer 2 Silver Members. We pay you

$5 in Upgrade Bonuses and

you make

$4 in passive income.

Because of the

Depth Builder strategy you will soon have an income matrix that

looks like the one in the table below:

Gen. Members $/Member Income

1 2 $ 2.00 $ 4
2 4 $ 0.50 $ 2
3 8 $ 0.50 $ 4

Total as Silver Member $ 10

4 16 $ 0.50 $ 8
5 32 $ 0.50 $ 16

Total as Gold Member $ 34

As a Silver Member you are paid to the first 3 generations of your income matrix.

So you would earn
$ 10 in passive income every month. This means your
Subscriptions are covered.
It's not a lot, but it's a start.
Upgrade Income Booster
Now our
Upgrade Income Booster strategy kicks in. You earn more when we
promote you, but it won't cost you anything. We subtract your higher subscriptions
from your commissions.
To earn the extra $24 we promote you to Gold Member.
Now you earn
$34 every month.
And you earn a
$25 Growth Bonus.
You have spent a
bit more, but...
You always make more money than you spend.
Some people love the details. If you don't, skip down to the
most powerful benefit
of our commission plan, highlighted in yellow
As people find people and we put people into your matrix because of the
Builder Strategy,
your matrix grows.
Now you have members down to your 7th generation.
As Gold Member you now earn down to your 6th generation.
But the Silver Members in your first 2 generations will also have been promoted to
Gold Member.
Again our
Upgrade Income Booster strategy kicks in. You earn more commissions
from the higher subscriptions from your promoted Gold Members. Your passive
income on their subscriptions increases (see
red figures in the table below).
Your Income as Gold Member is
You also earn a
$50 Growth Bonus.

How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Gen. Members $/Member Income
1 2
$ 6.00 $ 12
2 4
$ 1.50 $ 6
3 8 $ 0.50 $ 4
4 16 $ 0.50 $ 8
5 32 $ 0.50 $ 16
6 64 $ 0.50 $ 32
Total as Gold Member $ 78
7 128 $ 0.50 $ 64
Total as Platinum Member $ 142
There are now members in your 7th generation. You can earn referral commission
on those members when we promote you to Platinum Member.
When you are promoted, your passive income is
$142 per month. Still small, but
wait ...
Now your passive-income starts sky-rocketing as you find more people and more
people are placed in your matrix on deeper generations through the
Depth Builder
As more members are referred into the deeper generations of your income matrix,
the members on your higher generations will be promoted, first to Gold Membership
and then to Platinum Membership.
In the table below you have members on 9 generations.
Gen. Members $ /Member Income
1 2 $16.00
$ 32
2 4 $4.00
$ 16
3 8 $1.50
$ 12
4 16 $1.50
$ 24
5 32 $ 0.50
$ 16
6 64 $ 0.50
$ 32
7 128 $ 0.50
$ 64
8 256 $1.00
$ 256
9 512 $1.00
$ 512
1022 Total
$ 964
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
You have 6 Platinum Members and 24 Gold Members. You earn more from their
As your matrix grows, there will be members all the way down to your 18
generation, and deeper. You are paid up to generation 9. But with time, everybody in
your first 9 generations is promoted, because of the
Upgrade Income Booster
So you can earn …
Everyone has been promoted to Platinum Membership.
Gen. Members $ /Member Income
1 2 $16
$ 32
2 4 $4
$ 16
3 8 $4
$ 32
4 16 $4
$ 64
5 32 $4
$ 128
6 64 $4
$ 256
7 128 $4
$ 512
8 256 $8
$ 2048
9 512 $8
$ 4096
1022 Total
$ 7,184
You earn $7,184 in passive income EVERY month.
You only need
1022 Platinum Members in your income matrix, to earn $ 7,184
in passive income per month.
You only need to refer 2 or 3 working people.
From the example above, you will notice that as your income matrix grows, there will
be more people on the deeper generations. See generations 8 and 9 in the table
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
We pay you a higher referral commission, per member, on the deeper generations of
your income matrix. Therefore you earn much more from the hundreds or thousands
of members on deeper generations.
This means that you earn the maximum you could from your income matrix.
To save you time and effort, everything is automated.
Once you
upgrade to Silver Member, you need do only one simple task:
Invite people to visit your personalized
Be Motivated Today website.
When you invite people to visit your website, our automated system goes to work:
Your website visitor is "sold" on the idea of signing up on the 14-day Free
Trial, to watch the information video, downloading and reading this report.
S/He enjoys 14 days of PEP-Talks and can download an empowering eworkbook
on releasing her/his potential.
The sample of products and services, as well as this information, give your
guest all the information to make a wise decision about upgrading his/her
If your guest does not upgrade, the system will follow up with value adding
information to convince him/her to upgrade.
You do not need to make follow-up calls.
When your guest decides to upgrade to Silver Member, upgrading is all done
on the website. You do not have to follow-up, get application forms or make
sure they are completed. It is all done for you.
You are automatically informed via email when someone in your income
matrix has upgraded. You can go see who it is on a report in your member's
Be Motivated Today automatically pays your referral commission. Our system
also pays the members in your income matrix automatically.
Once your income matrix starts, it will grow automatically.
All this automation means you have more time for yourself and your loved ones.

How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Our wealth generating system is called
Automated Passive
Income Creation (APIC)
. It creates your passive income
We offer a
100% money-back-guarantee.
You will start earning a passive income in your first month.
But if you have done the work and still do not earn a passive income after 6 months,
we will put Silver Members into your Matrix. If we don't we will refund all your
Yes. If after 6 months you are not making money, we will put Silver Members into your
Matrix, otherwize we will refund all your subscriptions.
That's $60. That means there is
no risk
Hear and read my guarantee at
There is work involved. This is not a “do nothing, get rich" opportunity. But you only
need to work a few minutes per day because we do 99% of the work for you.
If you do the work, you are guaranteed to earn a passive income within 6 months, or
you get all subscriptions back in full.
This takes the risk out completely.
Anyone who wants to start earning a passive
income can start, knowing that should they fail, they will be refunded.
Furthermore, this gives you confidence that the system will work or else we would not
make such a bold guarantee.
I'm sure you are tired of the promises made by companies about your financial
success. You work hard and want to be rewarded.
If you work and do not earn a passive income within 6 months, I put my money where
my mouth is and refund you completely.
To summarise:
You receive value-adding products and service for only $10 per month.
Our APIC system recruits your guests into your income matrix.
You earn a referral commission every month from your Silver Members'

How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Our system recruits their guests too and you earn referral commission.
Our 3 Wealth Creating Strategies secure your long-term financial success.
You only need to refer 2 working members personally to be wealthy.
As your income matrix grows, you earn more without spending more.
Your members are promoted with time and you earn more without needing
thousands of members in your income matrix.
If you do the work, but don't earn a passive income within 6 months, we will
put members under you.
We've shown you how our APIC system builds an income matrix for you, automatically.
This means you don't need to recruit, sell or manage.
In the next chapter we will show you what work is involved and how our system
supports you and the members in your income matrix SO THAT ...
We also share more keys that help put money in your account faster.

click to join now

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