
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

commision plan

We pay you a $2 (+-R14) referral commission on each Silver Member you invite (your 1st generation).

We also pay you referral commissions on members in deeper generations of your income matrix, all the way down to the 9th generation, depending on your membership status.

Example 1.

You successfully refer 9 Silver Members through Be Motivated Today's system.
We pay you $45 (+-R324) in Upgrade Bonuses.

Lets say those 9 only refer 3 people each (9 x 3 = 27).
Those 27 refer 3 others each (27 x 3 = 81).

As a Silver Member you earn referral commission on everyone to the 3rd generation of your Income Matrix.

So you would earn $72 (+-R518) in passive income every month.
Plus you will also get a one-time $50 (+-R360) Growth Bonus.
It's not a lot, but it's a start.

The 81 new Silver Members on generation 3, each refer 3 others, that gives you 243 people on your 4th generation.

You upgrade to Gold Member.

Now you earn $193.50 (+-R1393)/month.
And you earn a $100 (+-R720) Growth Bonus.

You are spending a bit more to earn a lot more.

You never spend more money than you make.


As people invite people, who invite people, your income matrix grows into deeper generations.
Here our powerful Upgrade Income Booster strategy kicks in for you.

Example 2.
Everyone has referred 3 people who work and find 3.

You are promoted to Gold Member.

As Gold Member you earn down to your 6th generation.

You earn $551 (+-R3970)/month.You also earn a $500 (+-R3600) Growth Bonus.


As more members join you get members in your 7th generation. You are promoted to Platinum Member.

The Upgrade Income Booster strategy kicks in for your Silver Members who are promoted to Gold Member.

You earn $1,692 (+-R12,182)/month.You earn a $1000 (+-R7200) Growth Bonus.


More and more members join in the deeper generations.
Because of the Upgrade Income Booster strategy, more Silver Members are promoted to Gold and then to Platinum Membership.

You earn +$29,109 (+-R209,585)/month and it keeps growing.
You also earn a $5000 (+-R36,000) Growth Bonus.

Example 3.
Because of our Upgrade Income Booster, your Silver Members will eventually all be promoted to Platinum.
Even if you only manage to find 2 people, and everyone only finds 2 people, who find 2, and so on, they will still all be promoted to Platinum.

$7,184 (+-R51,725)/month in passive income is what you will earn, every month.


You only need 1022 Platinum Members in your income matrix, to earn $7,184 (+-R51,725)/month in passive income.


To save you time and effort, everything is automated:
Once you upgrade to Silver Member, you do only one simple task:

Invite people to visit your Be Motivated Today website.

When you invite people to visit your website, our automated system goes to work:

  • Your website visitor registers on the 14-day Free Trial and watches the Tim Sales videos and Create Wealth Automatically video, audio or report.
  • S/He enjoys 14 days of PEP-Talks and can download an empowering Motivational presentation and e-workbook on releasing her/his potential.
  • The sample of products and services, as well as this information give your guest all the information to make a wise decision about upgrading his/her membership.
  • If your guest does not upgrade, the system will follow up with value adding information to convince him/her to upgrade.
  • You do not need to make follow-up calls.
  • When your guest decides to upgrade to Silver Member, upgrading is all done on the website. You do not have to follow-up, get application forms or make sure they are completed. It is all done for you.
  • You are automatically informed via email when someone upgrades. You can go see who it is on a report in your member's area.
  • Be Motivated Today automatically pays your referral commission. Our system also pays the members in your income matrix automatically.
  • Once your income matrix starts, it will grow automatically.

Of course you realize that it always takes time to grow a huge passive income.

This is NOT Get-Rich-Quick.

But because it will create a passive income stream and financial freedom, the time is worth it.

We offer a 100% money-back-guarantee. You could start earning a passive income in your first month.

But if you do not earn a passive income after 6 months, we will refund all your subscriptions, plus bank charges.

Yes. If after 6 months you are not making money, we will refund all your subscriptions.

That's $60 (+-R432).

That means you have no risk.

Hear and read my guarantee here.

You only need to work a few minutes per day because we do 99% of the work for you.

If you do the work, you are guaranteed to earn a passive income within 6 months, or you get all subscriptions back in full, plus extra.

This takes the risk out completely. Anyone who wants to start earning a passive income can start, knowing that should they fail, they will be refunded. NO RISK.

Furthermore, this gives you confidence that the system will work, else we would not make such a bold guarantee.

If you work and do not earn a passive income within 6 months, I put my money where my mouth is, and refund you completely.


To summarize:

  • You receive value adding products and services for only $10 (+-R72)/ month
  • Our APIC system convinces your guests join Be Motivated Today
  • You earn bonuses and referral commission every month from your Silver Members' subscriptions
  • Our system convinces their guests too and you earn referral commission
  • You only need to refer 3 working members personally to be wealthy
  • As your income matrix grows, you earn more without spending more
  • Your members upgrade with time and you earn more without needing thousands of members in your income matrix
  • If you do some work, but don't earn a passive income after 6 months we give you back all your subscriptions

This means you don't need to recruit, sell, manage or learn how to do these.

WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO? (What is the work?)

You simply invite people to your personalized Be Motivated Today website. We provide you with all the tools to invite people.

This is all you need to do, because our Automated Passive Income Creator (APIC) builds your income matrix for you. You never need to explain our concept to people. We do that for you.

This is good news, because you don't have time for running a business, sales, recruiting and more.

You only work 15 minutes per day, sending email invitations, sms's and placing free advertising on public websites, to invite others to visit your Be Motivated Today website.


If you have any questions please login and go to the Frequently asked Questions page.


To start creating wealth automatically for yourself, and your family today, upgrade to Silver Member now.

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